And that’s why she said what she said to us. She wanted to know before he left that he’d be okay. I know now why Mom asked for Charlie, even though he was out of her life.

Here Scully is finally coming to grips with having abdicated responsibility for William, and to unsuspecting, ill-equipped strangers at that. You wouldn’t be talking about Chris Carter and you and William, would you? Call me crazy, but I find this episode more emotionally on point than “ Founder’s Mutation” (10×5) which read more like a dirge than a reckoning. You put it out of sight so that it wouldn’t be your problem, but you’re just as bad as the people that you hate. If you made the problem, if it was your idea, then you’re responsible. But all the round pegs are going into round holes again. If the characters came back last episode, the show itself is back in classic form now.
Just let them be.Īnd is it just me, or is this the first time this actually feels like a natural continuation of the series proper rather than an exercise in nostalgia? I feel like tapping complete strangers on the shoulder and saying, “ This is my show,” not, “This is The X-Files: Millennial Edition,” or “This is The X-Files: Alt-U Version ft. For Spock’s sake, no one wants to watch them play at playing house. It needn’t even come up in onscreen conversation as an issue, as it didn’t here and no one missed it. It’s also a connection that need not be worn on the surface. A casual viewer can see clearly that there’s a connection here that goes as deep as the ocean, and no amount of surface level machination is going to penetrate that depth.

Their “relationship” is their history it’s their partnership. On that note, this very history and context is why the “breakup” as such is an exercise in dramatic futility. No, some emotional context is not too much to ask for. See? This is what I’m talking about: the way they bring their entire history into their every interaction. I just can’t get over the looks on their faces as they both remember the events of that episode. Speaking of Mulder’s mysterious powers and mysteriously well-placed flashbacks, this probably should’ve been called “One Breath Again”.