A former Army Intelligence spy is forced to give up his quiet existence to save the life of a little girl. It was the highest-grossing film of 2010. Stumbling upon a factory where the brothers have children’s organs removed to accommodate the drugs, Tae-sik rescues one child just before surgery and becomes enraged at the prospect So-mi may already be dead. His only friend called him ‘the man from nowhere’. The Man From Nowhere is a 2010 South Korean film written and directed by Lee Jeong Beom. In the process, he discovers that their drug ring operates around kidnapped children. Now on the run, Tae-sik pursues Man-sik and Jong-sik. He fights off half a dozen detectives and escapes from the police station. At the same time, Hyo-jeong’s disemboweled body is discovered, and Tae-sik realizes that So-mi’s life may also be in danger. However, the delivery was part of a larger plot to eliminate a rival drug ring leader, Mr. Tae-sik makes the decision to face the outside world in order to rescue So-mi. Mistaking Tae-sik for another mule, the brothers that lead the gang-Man-sik and Jong-sik-promise to release Hyo-jeong and So-mi if Tae-sik makes a delivery for them. When the traffickers find out they kidnap both Hyo-jeong and So-mi. An ex-secret agent, Tae-shik, lives as a recluse whose only contact is with a little girl called So-mi who lives nearby.
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So-mi’s mother, Hyo-jeong, smuggles drugs for a drug trafficking organization and entrusts Tae-sik with the product. Watch Online The Man from Nowhere HD The Man from Nowhere Full Movie Streaming, The Man from Nowhere 2010 Online with english subtitles free movies hd Full Movie with eng subtitles en HD gratis. Was he from another dimension and/or time or was it just an urban legend I tell you a story and let you be the judge on.

His only connection to the rest of the world is a little girl, So-mi, who lives nearby. Having once done time behind bars, CHA Tae-sik now leads a quiet life.